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Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Our time in Aviano was nearing to a close. Joan and Sam said maybe we should revisit Venice. It is just an hour away by train and not expensive.  It would be a wonderful idea to concentrate on taking pictures of people instead of architecture. By now, we were very accustomed to getting to Sacile and the train station. Round trip train tickets in hand, validated and on the right train platform, we waited five minutes for the express, which was on time to minute. The ride seemed so short. I was starting to feel like all of the daily commuters, going to school or work!
Off of the train on track 4 in Venice/St Lucia. No change here, thousands of people lighting up cigarettes after their bout with nicotine withdrawal on the train. Quickly we walked out of the station to escape the smell and smoke!

Plan of Action

Today's expedition into the maze of streets was targeted to the Rialto bridge. This had not been established on our first expedition. There are many sites to visit in Venice, but the two main candidates are Saint Marcos and the Rialto bridge. From the train station this is easily accessible by following the sparsely placed signs. 
At the Rialto, we were surprised that the bridge is under complete restoration. It is accessible through guided pathways. On the outside of the bridge, they have created a full size mural of the bridge. Not exactly what you wanted to take a picture of. 
One objective, here on the bridge was to find a shop owner who we met back in Aviano at a 90 vendor Bazaar! He is a world renown artist who does camino carvings. He has even done one for the Pope. We found the shop, on the bridge, but the artist wasn't there. His brother was and even looks like him, we introduced our selves, had conversation and were off to watch, photograph people and enjoy the romantic city. 
A lot of today's photos are of women! They seem to pop out as they walk down the streets in their high fashion's or lack of. In any event  they caught my cameras' eye! I would stand in one spot, usually close to a small canal bridge, when Helen and Joan were shopping in an agent store. I watched people go by doing their tourist thing or locals walking their dogs or beggars begging. I feel I got some interesting shots! I'll only be able to tell when we get home and see them on the big screen!
The Venice temperature was hotter than on our previous visit. I say in the lower eighties. This hampered our walking stamina as we only walked 5.64 miles compared to 9.23 miles on our first visit. Joan was looking for some particular leather bracelets for her daughter. This involved, as I recall it, cross country traveling through the maze of alleys, streets, church squares, canal bridges and  tunnels. I enjoyed the cross country, but it was exhausting! We had to literally hold a finger on the map and orient the map, make a turn and proceed. It pushed our navigation skills to the limit! Finally, we arrived at St Marcos square, close to the vendor that Joan was looking for. Yes, she did find the bracelets and was a happy camper!
The afternoon sun was now boiling over Venice. An emergency Gelato took care of cooling down as we walked back towards the train station. The schedule for the next train was 4:10pm. With this in mind, we found a bench, in the shade and watched people and the canal boat traffic for the next forty-five minutes. There was no problem getting a seat on the train. After, confirming the proper train track we boarded early and were the first on the train that had several passenger cars! The ride back to Sacile went by in a flash! This was probably due Sam and I falling asleep for a nap! We counted the train stops, five until we got off at Sacile. Another pleasing day in Italy!

That is what we did and saw!
Dog's Life in Venice!
Ah, Venice and the Canals!!
Trades Person going to work!
British I'd Say!
Texting in Venice!
Photo says it all!
Colorful Group from Colombia singing
in St Marco Square
Gondola Driver on Break!
Ambulance going to an emergency call!
If we take left than a right we should be....? Joan found the vendor!


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