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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Key West…Farewell to New Friends


February 20, 2014

It is simply amazing to see the number of people we encounter on our journeys and befriend. Dan and Jan, whom we met only a couple Dan and Jan on their departure dayof weeks ago are an example. They left this morning for their home in Congress Arizona. Normally, they would have stayed here in Trumbo Point until May, but Dan needs a shoulder operation and needed recovery time at home. Both Dan and Jan are wonderful people. Dan always has something good to say. Something like “A happy wife makes a happy life’'. We wish them luck in their travels and a safe return home. We might actually meet up with them next month when we head for Utah. A slight swing to the south into Arizona would bring us into their neighborhood in Congress, AZ. If we do go in that direction, we would also want to stop in Apache Junction and visit our old neighbors Vi and Norm. Time will tell on our route of march.

It is 8:41am and this morning. I am a little under the weather. I came down with a cold a couple of days ago. Last night I wasn’t sleeping as soundly as I shouldTyping the blog in the shade! have been. At 11:11pm a Ranger platoon came jogging over the bridge, and of course, they always start singing a cadence song. I love it! They’ll jog off base and crisscross the Island of Key West before returning back over to Fleming Island. I still love it, as the saying goes “Freedom never sleeps” Go “Airborne Rangers”! I also discovered when and why they jump off the channel bridge into the swift tidal channel below. It is part of their graduation exercise ritual. All in all, I am so proud that I can be part, although, a small part of this mighty military family.

Remember that all of the people here in the campground are former military of all branches of service. When a person is on active duty they always seem to say that their branch is better than the other. All of that is forgotten here has we mellow in the sun. With one hundred and fifty RV’s, most having two occupants, it makes for a sizable community. At any given time of day, you will find their doors unlocked. Now, that’s trust! Need anything? A neighbor is there to lend a hand or a tool.

That’s what we did and saw!

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