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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Swift Current to Moosomin, SK ~ Miles versus Time

Indian Head ~ Little Mosque on the Prairie
It isn’t that we want to rush home, but when you set the cruise control at 60 mph, one can easily surpass the 250 mile a day desired limit for day travel. Today, for example, we reached the 300 mile mark at 3pm. We are in a small whistle stop town along the Saskatchewan /Manitoba border. We decided to stay here for the night because we can attend church here and get a good start tomorrow. It started to drizzle and then steady rain after lunch in Indian Head. Speaking of Indian Head… Anybody who watches the Canadian show “Little Mosque on the Prairie” should know that this is the home of the show. I personally don’t know anything about the program, but I have heard of the name.

It is hard to blog about hundreds of miles of prairie which are so similar to a stranger to the land. I’m sure if I talked to the locals, they could educate me on several topics. There are only small towns with no one in sight.

Tonight, I plugged in our coordinates in Moosomin, SK and Berlin, NH and we are 1,851.35 miles from home. The computer tells me that would take 38:01 hours of driving. We don’t plan on driving that distance in one shot. It is only good information for the mind. I am sitting here and reflecting back to all the miles we have covered on this journey. All of the wonderful people we have met and enjoyed talking to at campfires at night and on the road. If I was ambitious enough, I should write a book on our travels. I have had some excellent conversations with, of all people, “Bikers” both motorized and pedal bike about future places to visit. Ironically, one is nearly in our backyard. Newfoundland and Labrador! I’ve heard stories from them about seeing Icebergs, whales, seeing mountains in Labrador as exquisite as the Swiss Alps. Time will tell if my canoe will bring me to these magical places.

That is what we did and saw 

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