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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Nearly There! 129 Miles Left

Day 4 ~ Long and Tiring!
Before sunrise, we were on the road. Just a few miles to the Florida border. A quick stop for our annual Florida Visitor Center selfie photo. I can’t remember how many times I filled the truck up with gas. Today’s mileage was 423.2 miles, but the kicker was it took us 11 hours 39 mins of actual driving time. Problem was Miami! We were stuck in slow moving traffic. I had gotten off I-95 long before it got busy, but somehow we got stuck in the afternoon/dinner rush. Hence we are parked at the last Cracker Barrel restaurant before the beginning of the overseas highway. Tomorrow, our journey will end with another 129 miles to Key West.
This afternoon in Miami, I recorded a high of 90 degrees for about an hour. The humidity is high, but down in the Keys the ocean breeze will take care of that.
The Sunshine State...but not at 6am!!
That’s what we saw and did!

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