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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Charleston and Myrtle Beach…A restful Sunday

Yatching in Georgetown!
The State Fishing Pier... Myrtle Beach!
Everyday can’t be an adventure, at least that’s what I was thinking this morning. The plan today was to head up towards Myrtle Beach. No military campgrounds here. The Air Force Base closed in the earlier round of base closures. So, here we go leaving JB Charleston around 9:30 this morning. It was just about 120 miles up the road. We would take our time, after all it was Sunday, (a day of rest). Halfway to Myrtle Beach, we pulled into Georgetown around lunch time. We were a little surprised to see how touristy this town was. It had a dockside boardwalk the length of Main Street. The main street (named Front Street) also had many restored buildings, art galleries, restaurants and sports bars. We had lunch, took a power nap and off again to the Myrtle Beach area. I was not excited about being able to find a reasonable rate RV Campground. Our first stop was to a State Park campground (Huntington Beach State Park.) It turned out to be full. They said to try the State Park in Myrtle Beach. I tried to call ahead, the line was busy. Finally, we arrived and were really surprised to see that they had a lot of sites available. A bigger surprise was the location (on the Ocean, with wooded sites). 
Myrtle Beach skyline from State Pier
We were able to select our own site, registered, paid, parked the truck at the site and went for a nice long walk on the beach. The sun was warm, the breeze was cool, perfect for a beach walk. The State has a long fishing pier, we took pictures of the guys fishing, soaked in more sun before heading back to our site # 81. That is one of 350 sites!

Before digging out the BBQ grill, I had noticed that our neighbor had Quebec license plates. I said to Helen, “let’s go over and ask them where in Quebec they lived”. He said Quebec city in a French accent. I started talking French to him, he responded and before I knew it we had talked for an hour. He is a retired Canadian Navy Captain, like captain of a war ship. We had a lot to talk about including accessing US military RV campgrounds.
For a quiet Sunday, it was quite a full day! I am happy with today’s unexpected adventures, both people and places.
That is what we did and saw!

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