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Monday, April 8, 2013

Wilmington, NC…Ft Fisher Air Force Recreation Area… The Chanced Encounter!

Brookgreen Gardens..
National Historic Landmark

This morning were we to head North, but Helen made the comment that we should checkout Brookgreen Gardens. Cousin, Chris Marcotte (Columbia, SC) had said this would be a must see attraction. Brookgreen was located some 15 miles south of Myrtle Beach State Park. We had passed the entrance yesterday, but getting a site for the night was then a priority. OK, we are not in a rush to get home with snow still in the back yard! Brookgreen Gardens is big! Like 9000 acres! The admission is good for seven consecutive days. Brookgreen is divided into sectors; The world-renowned sculpture complex, The Low Country Center, The Domestic Animals of the Plantation, Butterfly House just to mention a few. We touched on the major attractions, and I, who is not a sculpture expert was totally impressed with the presentations, the flowers, the water fountains, the lawns, the natural wildlife.
Back at the visitor Welcome Center, 
Sam and Helen...A Chance Encounter!
we were walking and I said to myself at first, “Boy does that person remind me of Sam Cordwell” Helen, I said “is that Sam Cordwell? “No” she said. I called out “Sam” and she turned around! Yes, it was Sam! She came over and gave us a hug! Her husband Dave, who had gone to get their car drove up. We had a good chat. We talked about seeing their grandson Zachary at the Citadel Parade Review. Talk about going down the river in a canoe without a paddle. Here is an example of destiny. Sam and Dave come to Brookgreen very often for their walking exercise!
Two Art Experts at Work!

We finished the gardens and left midafternoon going north to settle close to Wilmington, NC. Fort Fisher is an Air Force Recreation site.
That is what we saw and did!

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