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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Tampa… The Ultimate Gated RV Community!

Sunset at Mac Dill AFB!
Helen at the SeaScapes Beach Club!
Today I am reporting on the ultimate gated RV community. The security is unbelievable. They even protect the park from the air. Their aircraft of choice are F-15 Hornets! The gates are terrorist proof, with lift up steel barriers. The security guards ask for a 100% ID check. They are fully armed with machine guns. In the morning, they give you a wake up call with “Reveille” . Yes, I am talking about Mac Dill Air Force Base. The RV park is located on the southern tip of the base at Gadsden Point. There is water on three sides of us. What a resort! To the South, in a distance, we can see the Sunshine Skyway Bridge with its high columns and fan shape wire supports. The western view is of St Petersburg sky line buildings. Closer to the sandy beach are hundreds of birds. Sand Cranes, Pelicans diving for fish and countless others. We are here for four days, at least. There are 750 sites here and I'm told that this is the largest military RV campground in the States. It is very impressive! There is a marina with all kinds of boats for rent, there is a SeaScapes Beach  Club (bar and restaurant) which offers us (FamCamp) discounts on daily specials. Great meals and prices! We did some grocery shopping at the commissary and spent the afternoon sitting on the beach, reading and watching people and the birds.
She said the water was definitely warm!
That is what we did and saw

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