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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Key West… Mallory Square…A Time To Reflect!

Isn't A Picture Worth a Thousand Words!
Houdini? Maybe Not!
When one says Key West, usually the next associated words are “Mallory Square”. This is the ritual night time meeting place for hundreds and hundreds of people. They all gather here for the breathless sunsets. Many hawkers and performers also gather to entertain and hope for a donation. They do everything from straight jacket escapes to fire eating. From dogs that walk a tight rope to mimes that stare relentlessly without blinking or laughing. I average taking between a hundred to a hundred and a half pictures a day. That is my problem! It takes me a long time to select three or four for the blog. You’ll have to rely on my verbal description to fill-in the blanks. As the sun gets closer to setting, many sailing ships take to the wind. The larger Catamarans go out with their tourist on board and stay off to a distance. The three and four mast ships slowly bite their time  at dockside, crossing for the photographers who shoot pictures of these ships with the sun approaching the horizon. It is spectacular in any event! Mallory Square also offers a multitude of restaurants for dinner. You can probably imagine open porches with candle lit tables. The temperature comfortable in the mid-seventies. Many of these restaurants are Cuban. Cubans’ are noted for there fine cuisine, I especially love there  bread rolls! One can walk off the dinner by strolling along Whitehead Street and shop or in my case watch all the people stroll by.
The mornings we tend to stay around the RV park and do our catching up on what ever. In the afternoon, we pick a destination to visit. A couple of days ago we went to Fort Zachary Taylor Park & Beach. Now just a few feet away past the fence is the military side for free. The attraction to the State Park is the Fort, beaches and also a Geocache! That’s why we paid the $2.50 a head for the visit. We found the cache on a secluded birding trail. Now I always say that geocaching brings people to places they wouldn’t normally go. Well, this turned out to be our most southern found cache in the US, but the Fort was the real jewel to discover. We walked up down in and out and were amazed at how this place was built. The Fort defended this country all the way from early times to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
That is what we did and saw.

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