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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pure Michigan

Today was a Turtle day and we did not travel very far but we enjoyed the drive back into the US and up along Lake Huron. Blessed with perfect weather we found a county campground right on the water front. Out came the bikes and off we went exploring the coast line. The only disappointment was the lack of WiFi. This was our firstDSCN1025 real day of taking it easy and settling in to a slower pace. This afternoon we went for a walk and talked to other campers in the park. So far after only four days on the road we’ve chatted with people from Waterbury, VT, Plattsburg, NY, San Francisco, CA, Rochester, NY and local people from Michigan.DSCN1022

One aspect of this trip that I really enjoy is having my mobile/communication center up front in the truck. My laptop is plugged in all the time I’m driving with excellent directions both video and audio. The large screen makes it easy to see where I’m going. I also have my Android phone Bluetooth to the truck audio system. My I-Touch also Bluetooth to the audio plays podcast. The CB keeps me informed with truckers on road conditions. My wife keeps me awake, what else would a guy want?My Mobile Office

That’s what we did and saw today

1 comment:

Lori said...

Glad to hear you found value in the podcasts. Try the stitcher radio app if you run out of content. Nice tech set up.